Cuba Headlines

Cuba News, Breaking News, Articles and Daily Information

25 video clubs, distributed among the Havana municipalities as part of the 2008 Summer Vacations plan

The 25 video clubs, distributed among the Havana municipalities, show five different materials every day on different subjects, as part of the 2008 Summer Vacations plan. Read More

Seemingly two Cuban sportsmen desert

Cuba's extra efforts to try and stop some of their best players from defecting at international tournaments has once again hit a snag. Read More

Ratify Cooperation Cuba and Tanzania

Tanzanian Vice President Ali Mohamed Shein met in Dar Es Salaam with Cuban Ambassador Felipe Ruiz O'Farrill, who will conclude his diplomatic mission in that African country in August.<br /> Read More

Cuban farmers are giving priority to the production of foods for domestic consumption.

Orlando Lugo Fonte, president of the Cuban National Association of Small Farmers (ANAP), said on Tuesday that Cuban farmers are giving priority to the production of foods for domestic consumption. Read More

Cuba: Sancti Spiritus's Productions Substitute Imports

Nearly 40 different products from the Cuban central province of Sancti Spiritus qualify to substitute expensive foreign commodities.<br /> Read More

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Meets Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent friendly greetings to his Cuban counterpart Raul Castro and Revolution leader Fidel Castro, expressing gratitude for the solidarity with this country. Read More

Renowned Cuban Photographer Raúl Abreu´s Photo Exhibit at 26 de Julio Museum

An exhibit by renowned Cuban photographer Raúl Abreu was inaugurated at the 26 de Julio Museum (image), in this city, as part of activities marking the 55 th anniversary of the 1953 revolutionary attack on the Moncada barracks. Read More

In Cuba: 6th International ‘Pensar a Contracorriente´ Essay Contest

The Cuban Book Institute and the Social Sciences Sociales publishing house have announced the 6th International ‘Pensar a Contracorriente´ Essay Contest, aimed at promoting critical awareness of current world problems and challenges from a broad anti-colonial, anti-imperialist perspective.<br /> Read More

In Santiago de Cuba New Computer Club

Residents in the eastern city of Santiago de Cuba will soon gain access to a wide range of computer services with the inauguration here of the Provincial Computer Club, on the densely populated corner of Enramadas and Carnicería Streets.<br /> Read More

Visit Cuba Vice President of the Russian Federation Igor Ivanovich Sechin

Russian Federation vice president Igor Ivanovich Sechin starts Wednesday a working visit to Cuba to expand trade relations and investments.<br /> Read More