Cuba Headlines

Cuba News, Breaking News, Articles and Daily Information

Cuba's Arts Institute and Film Industry Turns 50 on March 2009

Cuba's Arts Institute and Film Industry (ICAIC) will celebrate on March 24, 2009 its 50th birthday with new projects, said its President Omar Gonzalez. Read More

Cuba in important development of the telecommunications

Cuba is developing a strategy to increase phone and data management services, the introduction of terrestrial digital television and raising the stability and invulnerability of telecommunications. Read More

Cuban Presentation at First Macrobiotic Diets Congress underway in Equatorial Guinea

Cuban results on the introduction of macrobiotic diets were presented by Dr. Carmen Porrata, head of the Carlos J. Finlay Institute project in this matter, at the First Macrobiotic Diets Congress, underway in Equatorial Guinea. Read More

The Yoruba culture survives in Cuba

The yorubá or lucumí religion which is also known as Santeria or Regla de Osha is the most expanded religion of African origin in Cuba. Read More

Take Place in Havana the Conference on Yoruba Culture

With the purpose of highlighting the Cuban culture’s deepest roots and strengthen unity between the island and other nations that share similar cultural backgrounds, the Fifth International Yoruba Conference will be held from July 17 to 20 in Havana. Read More

Cuba’s First Vice President Jose Ramon Machado Ventura Receives Delegation of Brazilian Workers’ Party

Cuba’s First Vice President Jose Ramon Machado Ventura met on Thursday with a visiting delegation from the Workers’ Party of Brazil (PT) that is led by its president, Ricardo Berzoini.<br /> Read More

Cuba Will Show in World Congress Advances in Genomic Medicine

Cuba’s achievements in the field of genomic medicine will be showed during the 3rd International Congress on Hereditary Ataxia that will take place in the eastern province of Holguin from October 1-3 later this year. Read More

Cuban dancers conquer Kazakhstan

As part of the celebrations for the 10th anniversary of Astana, the Cuban dancers Joel Carreño and Yolanda Correa were invited, among many other famous figures of the international ballet, to take part in the Cultural Ceremony held at the Peace Palace of the new Kazakhstan capital city. Read More

Canada-Cuba Sports & Cultural Festivals celebrated in Havana

Convinced that Cuba is an ideal destination for cultural tourism, the organization Canada-Cuba Sports &amp; Cultural Festivals celebrated in Havana two decades of joint efforts in the sector. Read More

President Raul Castro Presents Flag to Cuban Olympic Delegation to the 2008 Beijing

President Raul Castro on Friday presented a flag to the Cuban delegation to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, in a ceremony at Havana&quot;s Convention Center. Read More