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A facsimile edition of the diary of the Cuban Argentinean fighter Ernesto Che Guevara in Bolivia
After being kept for several years at the vaults of the Central Bank of Bolivia, under the custody of the Foreign Office, the original of the diary of the fighter together with some photos and other documents were presented to the press.

José Antonio Quiroga, director of Plural Editores, a company that will publish the book, emphasized the good conservation state of the two diaries, which will "allow a high quality reproduction".

After making a scanner test to the document, Quiroga, informed the press, they hope to launch the work, next October, in the 41 anniversary of the murder of the guerrilla in the Bolivian community of La Higuera.

Bolivian vice chancellor, Hugo Fernández, declared that the main objective of this task is the get the manuscript public. So far there was not a single similar replica.

On the other hand, the Cuban ambassador in La Paz, Rafael Daussa, qualified the revelation of those texts and photos as a historic event due to the significance of Guevara, "a hero and a symbol to all mankind".

At the same time, the cultural vice minister, Pablo Groux, said to Prensa Latina that those pages are a patrimony to the whole world and have a great transcendence.

"Even though the content of the diary is widely known, to be able to read it from Che´s hand script will be a great impact for the people", indicated.

Groux, remembered that those materials were rescued in 1968 by Bolivian diplomats in London, were they were going to be sold in an auction.


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