Cuba: Activities for World Health Day to Be Held
- Submitted by: lena campos
- Health and Medicine
- 04 / 06 / 2013
Cuba is carrying out numerous promotion and education activities with a view to the World Health Day that takes place on April 7, dedicated this year to prevent and detect the arterial hypertension on time.
Exchanges, debates, socialization on the topic, in waiting rooms in all the institutions of the sector and recreational, cultural and sport activities, are some of the strategies to be carried out in the whole country.
Trained personnel, doctors and nurses, specialists, will talk about healthy feeding, physical activity, tobacco consumption prevention and factors that favour the appearance of the ailment.
Summoned by the Pan-American Health Organization and the National Center of Education and Promotion of Health, there was also the convoking to an infantile contest on the topic which results will be announced on April 9.
One of each three adults in the planet suffers hypertension, and after the 50 years of age, this proportion is above 40 percent, pointed out Orlando Landrove, head of the national department for non-transmissible illnesses of the Cuban Ministry of Public Health.
In the country, hypertension has a high prevalence, near the mature population's 33 percent, and it is the first cause of attention in the urgency services in all the territories, and a factor of important risk for the heart attack, heart inadequacy, cardiovascular illness, renal insufficiency, and others.
Also, hypertension constitutes the biggest cause of disability in Cuba and most of the sanitary expenses are in fact caused by that suffering.
Landrove highlighted the necessity that the population acquires a bigger culture of the prevention of health and stood out that there is something very positive: more than 80 percent of the first-class medications for hypertension are elaborated in Cuba.
Source: Prensa Latina