When Abraham Furer picks up his paintbrushes, he's revisiting an art form he left behind decades ago.
"> When Abraham Furer picks up his paintbrushes, he's revisiting an art form he left behind decades ago.

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Pintura Nativo Cuba
When Abraham Furer picks up his paintbrushes, he's revisiting an art form he left behind decades ago.

Furer's story starts in Cuba, where he was born and lived until he was 15. Because of the unsteady political situation, he and his family left for Buenos Aires, Argentina.

"I have very beautiful feelings for Cuba because all my past emotions came from there," he said.

While living in Argentina, he pursued a career in architecture, married and had five children. Then, two decades ago, he relocated to Plantation. Recently, he took up painting again, a discipline in which he plays with form and color.

Did you have an interest in art before?

Always I was involved with art, and in Buenos Aires when I was young I started painting, but I was more interested in architecture. … Now, I 'm beginning to paint again. I think that I'm going to continue that.

Why did you start painting again?

The situation here in the United States wasn't very good for construction. … I [painted again] and started developing a very powerful [feeling] inside of me. And this is what I feel, so it's a feeling that I start developing.

Where does the inspiration for your art come from?

My inspiration, it came from inside. I'm very understanding of shape. These shapes, they form in the canvas. A lot of imagination – it's very powerful, my imagination. I combine the lines and the curves to make a composition, and from there I'm going.

Everything is connected in nature. You can see something that brings to you an imagination and you can imagine and you can design and you can project these with a feeling and an emotion. So this is something magic that you put inside your work.

Your work is being shown at Unilatina International College. What are the works being shown like?

At this moment, I was working with birds. You feel the bird but if you look, it's nothing to do with birds. It sounds weird,

but you have to see the painting to understand what I'm saying.

Does your background in architecture influence your paintings?

I think that everything is connected with the art, to design a building, to design an object or to put your feeling in a canvas. Everything is interrelated and interconnected. It's very powerful. So I can design whatever you want and put it

What projects are you working on right now?

I'm working a lot with homeless. I'm making houses of containers, but the house [gives] dignity to these people, these amazing, beautiful houses you can do with these containers.

What do you hope for the future?

The future of my art, well, I think it's going to continue in improving. Right now, I don't stop.

Source: www.sun-sentinel.com/

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