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Music writing for visually disabled people to be spread in Cuba
This work sponsored by the Asociación Nacional del Ciego (National Blind People Association) (ANCI in Spanish) has been taking place since the mid-90s and it has welcomed blind teachers, art instructors and musicians, who transfer their knowledge to people who are interested in their provinces.

The courses are in charge of the blind musicians Carlos Ramírez and Joaquín Borges, who also taught a seminar in the Dominican Republic, while the materials used were prepared by the already deceased piano player Frank Emilio Flynn.

The musical notation method was terminated by Braille inn 1837 and allows for the representation of notes, compasses and other signs from the pentagram, through embossed points for their tact reading.

A tribute to Luis Braille -French teacher, famous for his invention of the reading system for blind people that has his surname- is taking place today all over the world for his contribution to the access of blind people to culture, among this their alphabet used by millions of men and women from different countries.


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