Back to School after Cuba Hurricanes, 2.5 million students from starting classes
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- 09 / 15 / 2008

After the passing of both fierce storms, the National Guard helped educational centers and parents of those students to implement actions to restart the educational sector as soon as possible.
The Education Ministry also called, faced with the diversity of situations in several schools, for the use of provisional premises as classrooms until affected educational centers can return to normal.
In cases of severely damaged boarding schools, the country has sent students to other centers of the same teaching level, reshuffled students to new groups and outfitted premises to be used as classrooms.
In Santiago de Cuba and Granma provinces, some of the least affected, the school year started Wednesday.
The restarting of school activities such a short time after the devastating effects of two hurricanes is an example of the willingness of a country, blockaded and attacked almost 50 years by successive US administrations, to be first in education in the region.