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Director of U.S Project Censored Exchanges With Cuban Journalists during Havana Conference
During the Havana Conference, which was attended on Monday by Cuban Parliament President Ricardo Alarcon, Philips addressed participants about the work of the media in the United States. He explained how corporate media silences lots of stories which are in the main interest of the US people. He said, unpublished details on 9-11, and the case of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters held in US prisons, among other stories, are very clear examples.

Founded by Carl Jensen in 1976, Project Censored is a media research program with the Sonoma State University, working in cooperation with numerous independent media groups in the US.

Through a partnership of faculty, students, and the community, Project Censored conducts research on important national news stories that are underreported, ignored, misrepresented, or censored by the US corporate media.

Each year, Project Censored publishes a ranking of the top 25 most censored nationally important news stories in the yearbook, Censored: Media Democracy in Action, which is released in September, according to the projects website.

The three-day Conference on Free Press Rights that began Monday in Havana comes to a close on Wednesday. It is dedicated to Ecuadorian reporter Carlos Bastidas Arguello, who was the last journalist murdered in Cuba, May 13, 1958, at the hands of a henchman of the former Fulgencio Batista dictatorship.

Bastidas was 23 when he traveled to Cuba as a special correspondent to cover events related to the guerrilla fight led by Fidel Castro and rebel troops on the Sierra Maestra Mountain Range.

The Conference is being attended by the President of the Cuban Union of Journalists Tubal Paez and other executives, plus a large number of reporters and journalists from Cuba and Ecuador.

According to Project Censored website,, the top 25 censored stories for 2008, out of more than 700 include: No Habeas Corpus for "Any Person", Bush Moves Toward Martial Law, AFRICOM: US Military Control of Africas Resources, among others on the list.


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