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Cuban Grand Master (GM) Jesús Nogueiras Deafeats Lázaro Bruzón in Capablanca Chess Tournament
Nogueiras (2, 559 rating) obtained the victory in 33 movements of an English opening with the white pieces while Bruzón (2, 608) was imprecise and weak in the game, after losing two pawns, reported the Cuban News Agency.

This Grand Master reaches 2.5 units, the same as those achieved by the best: the also Cubans Leinier Domínguez (2, 695) and Walter Arencibia (2, 534) and the German Igor Khenki (2, 609).

In other results Leinier divided the point with the German Khenki while Arencibia shared his unit with the Dutch Sergei Tiviakov (2, 634) and the Cuban Holden Hernández (2, 568) defeated the local champion Yuniesky Quesada (2, 567) in 55 moves of a Catalan.

On the other hand, Farruk Amonatov (2, 625), from Tajikistan, and the Polish Radoslaw Wojtaszek (2, 625) made a pact in 19 moves of a Caro Kann defense.

Leinier is followed by Walter, Khenki and Nogueiras, who are located to half a point while Holden, Tiviakov and Amonatov have the same advantage against Bruzón and Woltaszek, predecessors of Yunieki who has a point.

This Tuesday, in the fifth matches, the opponents wil be Leinier-Nogueiras, Wojtaszek-Khenki, Yuniesky-Walter, Bruzón-Holden and Tiviakov-Amonatov.


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