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Great efficacy of the Cuban Antimeningococic Immunoglobulin
This gammaglobulin preparation was obtained from volunteers previously immunized with the Cuban antimeningococic vaccine at the end of the eighties and the first years of the nineties and it was used to treat children with meningococic disease.

In his statements to the AIN, the president of the Vaccine Experts Committee in Cuba underlined that this hemoderivative is an important option in the treatment of infectious diseases without vaccines or immunogens in certain stage that let to increase its use.

The academician of the Academic of Sciences of Cuba stated that this alternative of passive hyperimmune specific therapy takes on special significance when outbreaks and epidemics of emergent and remergent affections appear in the world together with the threats of bioterrorism or biological wars.

Cuban experience with IGAM was presented by doctor Sierra in the First International Symposium on Hemoderivatives hoping that other countries can benefit from the results of this product and announced its possible generalization to treat other diseases.

He explained that these results are unique of its kind in the world and emphasized that Cuba owns the technology, knowledge, patent and experience to carry it out.

In the scientific meeting that finishes today in this capital with more than 200 delegates from 15 countries, the Finlay Institute expert referred to the immunotherapy based on antibodies that it is becoming one of the most attractive and modern therapeutic alternatives in medicine.


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