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Sign New Cooperation Program in Havana Cuba and UNICEF
The Cuban side included MINVEC Deputy Minister Orlando Requeijo, who is the coordinator of International Cooperation; Dagmar Gonzalez, director of the Department of International Economic Bodies; and Rebeca Cutie, a specialist at MINVEC.

Meanwhile, UNICEF was represented by the staff of their office in
Havana, led by its representative here, Jose Juan Ortiz Bru.

"This has been a long and complex process in which national and UNICEFs priorities have been taken into account," Ortiz said.

For his part, Requeijo noted that "this process is, for many agencies of
international cooperation, an example of transparency, analysis and
mutual respect."

The design of the 2008-2012 Plan of Action Program has two main goals: to contribute to the Governments efforts to guarantee the rights stated in the Convention on Childrens Rights and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, and also to support the exchange and spreading of successful experiences among countries of the region. (acn)


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