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Thank you Papanicolaou!
Thanks to the Early Detection Program for cervical-uterine cancer Cuba shows one of the lower rates in Latin America. Nevertheless, to talk on this topic is a way to improve women gynaecologic health.

Carmens life became a nightmare at the age of 40 years old, when a biopsy confirmed she had a severe condition caused by a CIN III (Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia).

The conversation with her at Abel Santamaría Hospital showed me a desperate woman, who went to the gynaecologist in the 90s because she had constant vaginal discharge.

At that moment she was detected a slight dysplasia caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Carmen had never considered herself as a promiscuous woman, and now she is a victim of "dirty trick" .

This is the story of a common Cuban woman, who has cervical-uterine cancer, but today this condition is considered a problem of public health in Europe and Latin America, since is the second major cause of death in women aged 25 to 60 years old.

In Mexico, for example, every two hours a woman dies of cervical-uterine-cancer which means that over 4 000 women die annually in this nation.

The uterus is womens most sensitive part of the organism to develop a malignant neoplasia, hence that a special care and an early diagnosis improve the life quality of these patients.

Science has a to thank a lot to the Greek doctor George Papanicolaou for having invented the pap smear test, since it allows to detect and prevent cancer and some other cytological conditions of the female reproductive system.

The Pap test involves taking cells from the cervix and putting them on a small glass slide and examining them under a microscope to look for abnormal cells.

In a conversation with Doctor Gabino Arman Alessandrin, obstetrics adviser in Pinar del Rio, it was ratified that women should have this test every two years since 25 to 65 years old.

The specialist pointed out that Cuban women are benefited by the Public Health System of the country thanks to the Early Detection Program for Cervical-Uterine Cancer.

The program is aimed at decreasing the mortality rate and knowing the proportion of the disease, because its early detection makes possible to apply effective therapies.

In the case of Pinar del Rio, Arman noted the favorable situation of the territory concerning the Pap test, because at the beginning of the year the province started a campaign to eliminate a delay in the tests and was one of the first provinces that concluded the task.

Doctor Arman asked for a necessary reflection on the risk factors, most of the time unknown by women.

Among them he mentioned early sexual intercourse, constant change of couples, smoking, inadequate hygiene, pregnancy interruptions, long-term use of contraceptives and as the principal cause the Human Papilloma Virus.

Doctor Roselia Sanchez Triana, in charge of the maternity program in the province, summoned every woman to be the principal responsible for her health, and to have a test if presents plenty of vaginal discharge, bleeding after the menstrual period or sexual intercourse, pain or any other abnormality, "because so far the cervical-uterine cancer is the only one that can be avoided with a test", she said.

This kind of cancer develops through some stages, first appears a dysplasia which may be slight, moderate or severe as it advances, hence a carcinoma develops inside the uterus prior to the development of an invasive cancer hard to control.

That shows that cervical uterine cancer can be prevented. To confirm the presence of a cancer per se may last even 15 years since the first lesions appear plenty of time for a woman to act appropriately.

For that reason we can not underestimate the work of nurses at the doctors office, because they guarantee the gynaecologic health of the patients.

All the obstetricians of the province are well trained in this area, besides cervical conization has been applied two years now as a diagnostic and therapeutic procedure that decreases risks an is more effective.

Has over 100 different types and may appear in the skin, mouth, pharynx, genital areas and the anus. It is transmitted by skin-to-skin contact and sexual intercourse, it is almost impossible to control, but in the case of genital HPVs, a Pap smear test can make the difference between life and death.

Just a few of the HPV types in the genital areas of men and women provoke malignant lesions. Most of these types cause warts in the vagina and the penis. Around 250 thousand women die annually because of this virus and 85 percent of them live in developing countries.

Although this is not a new virus, science has not eliminated it yet. Thats why prevention has become the best weapon to avoid malignant and invasive lesions such as cancer.


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