Most cuban workers unionized
- Submitted by: admin
- 09 / 23 / 2006
The National Union of Education Workers, with more than 500,000 members, leads others in the country, and is implementing extensive programs like universalization of teaching, training of social workers, information technology and art teachers, among others.
Second is the Union of Health Workers, a Cuban State prioritized sector and main issue in the 19th CTC Congress, to be run in this capital on September 24 thro 27.
This sector has become an example of international solidarity, such as the Henry Reeve medical brigade against catastrophes and natural disasters, as well as those health workers' contingents that have been working in several countries of the world.
The agricultural sector, with nearly 400,000 members, is still with great vitality within the Cuban economy and among the three largest in the country, despite its decrease compared to last year.
The CTC is made up of 19 unions, the smallest one is Science, which has 19,578 members.
As a whole it includes all branches of society like civil service, sugar, trade, communications, construction, culture, tourism, food industry, transportation, light industry, among others.
Cuba's Labor Federation was founded on January 28, 1939, as a result of the Cubans' historic struggles for their union unity.
As of that historic moment, the CTC has assumed a main role within the revolutionary transformations process in the country's economic, political and social field, recognizing its right to exercise the legislative initiative.
The organization has also contributed to maintain socialism's conquests in the country and acted in defense of the Homeland, facing permanent threat and aggressions by the US government and the economic blockade for over four decades.
Source: Prensa Latina