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Jacques Roumain
"Haitian writer and fighter Jacques Roumain, author of "Gobernadores del rocio" -The Dew Governors-, considered one of the best Caribbean romans of the 20th Century, will be remembered in Cuba next June, on the occasion of his centenary" -revealed to Cubarte Yolanda Wood, Director of the Casa de las Americas's Caribbean Studies Center.

The Cuban researcher also referred to other Cuban institutions that are working on Roumain's centenary, a key figure within the development of the Caribbean litterature and culture.

Likewise, she mentioned the Center she directs, founded in 1979, and having a long standing work of promotion, information and relations with the cultural life of the region. The center also has the magazine publication "Anales del Caribe" -Annals of the Caribbean-, that counts with 20 issues.

Yolanda made reference to the recently concluded Colloquium: "The Caribbean through the glance of modern Visual Arts artists", which placed the rebel slave not only as a figure that responds to concrete historical circumstances, but also as the incarnation of a rebellious and resistant spirit that goes beyond him.

As regards to the isolation in which the Caribbean countries live, Wood stated that this has to do with the historical segmentation of the region that hasn't an immediate solution. In this sense, she made a call towards creating bridges through the culture and common feelings.

Jacques Roumain was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on June, 1907. He was of a bourgeois origin. In 1927, Jacques published his poems at the "Revista Indigena" -Indigenous Magazine, and two years later, he was brought to prison for his revolutionary actions. He also wrote scientific works as "Contribucion al estudio de la etnobotanica precolombina en las Antillas Mayores" -A contribution to the study of the pre-discovery Etnobotanics in the Greater Antilles. He published as well his story book "La presa y la sombra" -The prey and the shadow, and the romans "La montaña embrujada" -The bewitched mountain- and "Fantoches" -Puppets.

In 1934 he founded the Haitian Communist Party. He was sentenced to three years of imprisonment, where he died in 1944. That same year his roman The Dew Governors was published.

Source: Cubarte

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