Cubas youth honor revolutionaries
- Submitted by: admin
- 11 / 24 / 2006

"Just imagine a small flowerpot crammed with seeds, floating over a choppy sea. The crossing of the 82-person expeditionary aboard the yacht was almost infernal. Not even the swamp area where we landed was more difficult to the troops. Afterwards, loosing so many comrades was really very tough," recalled Admiral Norberto Collado, helmsman of the Granma yacht.
"This is a tribute by the Cuban youth to the generation to whom we owe our Revolution," said Julio Martinez, first secretary of the Young Communist League of Cuba. The youth leader was speaking to 27 veterans of the 26th of July attack on the Moncada Barracks and the landing of the Granma yacht at a gathering held in the Mella Square of the University of Computer Sciences (UCI) in Havana.
"Our organization pays tribute to you on the year of the 50th anniversary of the landing of the Granma yacht with concrete accomplishments: an improvement in our work and an increase in the number of young people enrolling in the Communist Party of Cuba. In other words, the continuity of the work you started," said Martinez.
Pedro Trigo, one of the members of the Moncada Barracks attack, thanked the gesture on behalf of his colleagues and introduced each one of them, including Norberto Collado, the helmsman of the Granma.
Following, the seasoned revolutionaries reminisced with the students about their days of combat and toured the centers facilities.