Culinary Arts in Cuba receives eulogies from prominent German chef
- Submitted by: Camila
- Society
- 12 / 02 / 2014

The German chef Otto Koch, awarded a Michelin star, said in Havana that appreciates a true revolution in the culinary art of Cuba over which met a few years ago.
In his weeklong trip to the island made to lecture his Cuban colleagues Koch said he appreciates incredible momentum and development in this sector, with a successful path that should continue.
The expert referred as one of the causes of that advance the steady growth of tourism in the archipelago and the proliferation of restaurants both state and private.
In addition to the accolades, Koch emphasized the need to develop the potential that exists in the country, which could put Cuba in a prominent place in the international gourmet universe. The German chef visits this island as part of a group of 80 tourists from his country.
Koch held a meeting at the headquarters of Artechef project (school and restaurant) of this capital, and chatted with the president of the Federation of Culinary Associations of the Republic of Cuba (Facrc), Eddy Fernandez.
Awarded a Michelin star and 17 points in the French Gault Millau, Otto Koch were for more than 20 years chef at the restaurant Le Gourmet his country.
Since 1996, Koch is chief gourmet and culinary consultant, and for more than a decade directs ARD Buffet, a famous German television program, and received the Diploma of Honor from the presidency of his country.
Renowned chef currently working on a revolving restaurant on the top of the Olympiaturm or Olympic Tower, Munich's television in the state of Bavaria, one of the most emblematic buildings of the Olympic Park and the entire city.
Since 2006, this restaurant is run by the local company Arena One GmbH, which redesigned and renamed the facility located 181 meters over land. In 2009, Koch changed the culinary concept of establishment, now in Cuba promises ample opportunities for island food tourism.
Source: Prensa Latina