Biomaterials Congress in Havana
- Submitted by: Camila
- Science and Technology
- 11 / 14 / 2014

An International Congress on Biomaterials, Biomat 2014, will take place soon in Cuba to update criteria and concepts related to global progress of this science, said the organizing committee of the meeting.
The event will serve students, researchers, technologists, teachers, doctors, dentists and experts to establish the basis for future collaboration and joint development programs, and to enhance cooperation and exchange among colleagues in this scientific field.
In its sixth year, Biomat 2014 will be held at the Havana School San Geronimo, November from 19 to 21. The opening ceremony will happen in the Aula Magna of the University of Havana.
Different seminars that combine Biomaterials Science and its applications will be developed within a scientific program designed to plenary lectures, oral presentations, seminars and posters.
Among the various international events to be held simultaneously are the First Seminar of Innovation for Biomaterials, the First Seminar of Cuban-Catalan Implantology, the Second Meeting of the Latin American Group for Clinical Applications and Research in Biomaterials (Glaicb) and I Clinical Seminar on Biomaterials Regulations.
Biomat 2014 is organized by the Centre for Biomaterials, the UNESCO Chair of Biomaterials of the University of Havana and Biomaterials Laboratory Institute of Polymer Science and Technology, Spain.
The meeting is sponsored by the University of Havana, the Ministries of Higher Education and Public Health, Cuban Chemical Society, Health Scientific Societies and the Center for Dental Specialties and Advanced Studies in Veracruz, Mexico, the College of Implantology and Microdent Company, both from Barcelona, Spain.