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  • Submitted by: lena campos
  • 01 / 04 / 2014

The Cuban Council of Elder Priests of the Ifa (Yoruba religion) published their “Letter of the Year 2014” on January 1st. The annual message is of great interest to believers of the Yoruba religion and is also widely read by the general population on the island and Cubans abroad.  The following is an unofficial HT translation of the entire message:



Sign: Egiobe.

Prophecy: Ire ariku oyale lowo Orunmila  (“good health thanks to Orunmila”)

Aldimu: Akara bibo. (Offer Orunmila 16 slices of bread with bits of egg shell and cocoa butter. Accompany with 2 candles).

Reigning saint: Yemaya

Accompanying saint: Elegua

Flag: Blue with a red edging.

Ebo: 1 goat, 1 rooster, sea water, indigo dye, one reef stone, one vulture feather, white and blue fabric, earth gathered from a patch in front of one’s home, earth from the soles of one’s shoes, goat hair, a pomegranate, smoked fish, smoked jutía (Cuban rodent), toasted corn, palm-tree butter, honey, two coconuts, two candles, cocoa butter, Opolopowo.


1- The butterfly tried to fly before its time and its wings burned.

2- I have everything, I have nothing.

3- God gave beards to the chinless

4- When a king dies, a prince is crowned

The sign heralds the birth of:

The water and the earth

The unity and struggle of opposites

Separation and discord

Coastal flooding and its nefarious consequences


Bathe in water tinted with indigo dye and pour this water inside the house. Let it sit a while, then wash away.

Plants and fruits of the sign:

Pomegranate, ceiba.


Ifa says: We must be very organized in all areas of our life, so as to achieve a better life.

Ifa says: We must avoid embarrassing situations that can have adverse effects on our health and our relationships with others.

Ifa says: Honor Olokun and Yemaya in accordance with the religious and spiritual instructions given us by our elders.

Ifa says: We must make an offering of porgy fish following consultation.

Ifa says: Avoid the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs.

Ifa says: We must take good care of our elders and maintain close ties with them. This will bring happiness to them and do them much good.

Ifa says: We must all carry out ebo (cleaning, sacrifice) at home to avoid losses and grief.

Ifa says: We must wear white, systematically, to cast out negative energies.

Ifa says: When we invoke an oricha, we must not forget to use water during the rite.

Ifa says: We must consult with our elders before all rites, to secure Olodumare’s blessing.

Ifa says: We must take care of ourselves to avoid digestive, cardiovascular, pulmonary, eye, kidney, spine and sexually transmitted conditions.

Ifa says: We must follow climatic events closely so as to prepare for coastal flooding, earthquakes, rains, floods, hurricanes and other phenomena that can cause damages.

Ifa says: We must avoid eating spoiled food and consuming “sandy” fruits in order to avoid digestive problems.

Ifa says: We must maintain our families and religious communities united.

Ifa says: We must be humble and unassuming, avoid arrogance, anger and impoliteness.

Ifa says: We must try to offer a goat to Elegua, to keep our paths open.

Ifa says: We must take care to keep our bodies and homes clean.

Ifa says: We must avoid becoming involved in illegal or corrupt dealings to avoid any confrontation with the authorities.

Ifa says: Religious practitioners must avoid being disrespectful towards members of our blood and religious families, and even towards workmates.

General Information

A considerable number of Babalawos from Cuba and other countries and the members of the Cuban Council of High Ifa Priests gathered at Cuba’s Yoruba Cultural Association to carry out the ceremonies for the 2014 Predictions on December 1, 2013.

The recommendations made on this occasion were the following:

The 25 fundamental positions were fulfilled. In all cases, the response from the deities was highly satisfactory.

On December 30, 2013, the pertinent predetermined sacrifices to the deities were made.

The ceremonial gathering took place at the Yoruba Cultural Association of Cuba.

Source: Havana


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