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  • Submitted by: lena campos
  • 11 / 16 / 2012

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, México and Cuba stand out as the countries with most participation in the fiction feature films contest at the New Latin American Cinema Film Festival, from December 4-14.

Among the 21 films in contest, experts highlight the Argentinean Días de Pesca (Fishing Days) by Carlos Sorin and Elefante Blanco (White Elefant) by Pablo Trapero, both with high social content.

The former approaches personal conflicts of an ex alcoholic and the latter focuses on relations between two priests, a young girl and the problems of a community.

Fishing Days arrives in Havana preceded by its premiere in the Toronto Film Festival in Canada, and the successful reception at the renowned festival of San Sebastian, Spain.

The film by Trapero received good critics at the rigorous Cannes Festival, in France.

From Chile, the films Violeta se fue a los Cielos (Violeta went to heaven) by Andres Wood and No, by Pablo Larrain are worthy entries.

With great success and many awards in international contests like the Cannes Festival, where it received the main award in the 15th section of filmmakers, the film No has in its favour being the Andean nomination for the Oscars in the category of best foreign film.

From Cuba the list of fiction feature films include three works from an equal number of directors: Irremediablemente Juntos (Irretrievably Together) by Jorge Luis Sanchez, Se Vende (For Sale) by the popular actor and filmmaker Jorge Perugorria and La Pelicula de Ana (Anna�s Film).

Out of contest, Havana movie lovers will be able to see from Argentina Paisajes Devorados (Devoured Landscapes) by Eliseo Subiela and El Fausto Criollo (The Creole Faust) by Fernando Birri, together with Razones del Corazón (Reasons from the Heart) from Mexican Arturo Ripstein and La huella del Dr. Ernesto Guevara (The tracks of Dr. Ernesto Guevara) by Jorge Denti, also from Mexico.

Among the 20 short fiction films in the contest, stand out the Cubans Lavadora (Washing Machine) by Yoel Infante, Los Anfitriones (The Hosts) by Miguel Angel Moulet and Camionero (Truck Driver) by Sebastian Cordero.

Together with the previously mentioned short films there are six Brazilian entries, among them Canción para mi Hermana (Song for my Sister), by Pedro Severien and Entre Nosotros, Dinero (Among us, Money) by Renan Rovida.

Source: Prensa Latina

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