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In the city of Bayamo was confirmed in recent days the unceasing struggle taking place in Cuba against economic crime. The Comptroller General of the Republic of Cuba, Gladys Bejerano, addressed the meeting where it was agreed not letting up corruption.
Reasoning expressed in the annual balance of the audit system in the province of Granma, revealed that these illegalities confrontation is more systematic, professional and educational for everyone involved.
Much remains to be done, he said, but is becoming more certain the ability to stop and eliminate behaviors, as well as heavily damaging the national economy, have the moral tarnish Cuba.
As a pillar of the fight against corruption, was designated the growing and systematic process of coordination and exchange between representatives of the Comptroller, the Office and the Ministry of Interior, at all levels.
Bejerano, also vice president of the State Council, stressed the need for each auditor begins to apply himself mentality changes required by the country's current situation.
The Central Committee also member of the Communist Party of Cuba said that the purpose is the constant improvement of people, which should help work with rigor, fairness and objectivity, as well as delving into the causes of the errors found.
He recalled that the country has great potential in the system of internal control and auditors must earn their spot, with good results.
Corporate executives, the Provincial Board and the Comptroller of Granma, put examples of actions in the territory to strengthen the collective defense of the law, avoid conditions that favor the offense, and organize prevention.
Recently, and for the first time annual statements were made in internal audit in the provincial departments of education, health and commerce, they said.

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