Symposium Held on agriculture in Santa Clara
- Submitted by: Luis Manuel Mazorra
- Science and Technology
- 11 / 19 / 2011

The First International Symposium on roots, rhizomes, tubers, plantains, bananas and papayas was held in Santa Clara as part of the work of the Research Institute for Tropical Viandas (INIVIT) for better agricultural production in the country. The main objective of the event was finding a way to convert the model Cuban agriculture in ecological and sustainable approach.
During the event, with a high national and foreign participation, it spoke not only of how to do more science, but these results need to reach more than 400 000 Cuban farmers and the various settings where food is produced in the country .
Of the hundreds of con ¬ tributed presentations to form a model of agriculture that can meet current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs, according to Dr. Carlos Borroto raised Nordelo, deputy director of the Institute Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology.
This special recognition was the respect he feels national and international contributions INIVIT, a view shared by other guests as the meteorologist Jose Rubiera and Dr. Marcio Porto, representative of the couple and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Cuba.
In his keynote address Dr. Sergio Rodriguez Morales, director of INIVIT said cu ba ¬ ¬ we should be more efficient in the cultivation of root crops, vegetables and grains because they account for almost all of the carbohydrates we consume and 75 % of the proteins needed by the human body ma ¬ ¬ no.
He also assured that most of the problems we face in agriculture depend on the poor selection of seeds, incorrect use of agricultural techniques and the lack of preparation of some of the people who decide in the productive sectors.