Soy Cuba to open Latin American Movie Festival in Moscow
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- 02 / 27 / 2009

The founder of Latinofiesta, the team in charge of selection, organization and all of the creative work of the festival, Chernyshev praised the artistic work of Urusevskiy under the direction of the moviemaker master Mijail Kalatozov, in his declarations to Prensa Latina.
With an impeccable photography, Soy Cuba describes the transformations from the fight against the Fulgencio Batista regime to the Revolution headed by Fidel Castro and the reaffirmation of the singular and independent identity of the country in four stories, he said.
He informed that the tape, which lasts 141 minutes and was made by a bi-national team, will give way in the central room of Judozhestvenny to an event which will last until March 3 and which will include fiction pieces, documentaries, short and full-length movies.
Una casa con vista al mar (A House with a Sea View) (Venezuela) and Oscuro/Iluminado (Dark/Illuminated) (Chile) will captivate the attention of the spectators from Moscow on February 27.
On the 28th there will be screened the Peruvian-Canadian tape Americano (American), the Mexican one Crepúsculo rojo (El despojo) (Red Twilight (The Dispossession)) and yet another Chilean movie, Las niñas (The Girls).
Secretos de lucha (Fight Secrets) (Uruguay) and Polvo de ángel (Angel Dust) (Mexico-Colombia) are scheduled for March 1 together with some short movies produced by Great Britain-Venezuela, Uruguay, Colombia and Guatemala-France.ç
Asalto al palacio (Assault to the Palace), made in 2008 with a length of 59 minutes, a testimony of the Chanchera Anti-Somoza Operation that took place on August 22, 1978 by the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (Sandino Front of National Liberation) of Nicaragua will take the screens on March 1.
This event will be complemented by an exhibition of Argentinean short movies.
The Ecuadorian movie Qué tan lejos (How far away) and a selection of Mexican short movies will close the 2nd Moscow Latin American Movie Festival, according to Chernyshev.
In the first edition we tried to offer a general vision of what is going on in the movie industry from that region. In this one we try to reveal their main tendencies, highlighted the specialist.
That is why the schedule is made up mostly by the work of young creators, whose aesthetic value has already been well recognized for its participation in important international festivals, he added.
As an example, Chernyshev highlighted the announced Argentinean and Mexican short movies, which were awarded in Cannes, France.
We hope to keep paying special attention in the future to the work of the young movie makers from Latin America, concluded the man responsible for the Moscow exhibition.