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The cinco palmas monument
When they conceived it, the sculptors from Manzanillo, Wilfredo Milanés, Ramón Cisneros and Michael Cabrera inspired themselves in three peasants who helped the expeditioners from the Granma yacht and they consider the pieces as an expression of gratitude to that unselfish collaboration with the newborn guerilla.

The smelting made out of bronze is very complicated, as it includes three real size human figures, which are about two meters high, with many details in their faces, body and movement in order to make it more real.

Delio Orozco, the historian from Manzanillo, highlighted the role of Ramón Pérez, known as Mungo, in the protection of Fidel as well as other fighters in his farm of Cinco Palmas.

There took place the re-encounter between the revolutionary leader and Raúl Castro in the night of December 18, 1956 after the landing of the Granma yacht.
He was also the person in charge to take to Manzanillo and Santiago de Cuba the news that Fidel was alive.

The set is completed with the figures of the peasants Adrián García and Severo Pérez, he helped aw well in the protection and sustain of the expeditionary.

Artistic welders and casters are making the monument under the direction of engineer Fernando Yero Chao in the workshops of the Caguayo Foundation for Monument and Applied Arts found in the municipality of San Luis, in Santiago de Cuba. They hope to finish it by next May.

After the surprise in Alegría de Pío and the spreading of the expeditionary, Raúl and Fidel embraced each other again in Cinco Palmas, where the later one said when he saw his brother arriving with several guns: "We are now definitely winning this war!"

Cinco Palmas is found in the municipality of Media Luna, in the eastern province of Granma.


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