Cuba Headlines

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The United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has recognized Cuba as the only country in Latin America and the Caribbean that will fulfill the Millennium Goals "Education for All".

A wire from the Cuban News Agency publishes that when referring to the topic, Rosa Blanco, regional director for the UNESCO, said that the region won't reach the six objectives of the millennium, although she highlighted that Cuba occupies an outstanding position in that purpose.

In the teaching field the countries must achieve a universal primary teaching, the adult literacy, quality in the education and parity of genre in primary, secondary education and in literacy that give origin to the Rate of Development of the Education for All, and according to the annual report of the UNESCO, at regional level Cuba occupies the first place with a high rate, followed by Argentina, Chile and Mexico.

In descending order are located Uruguay, Panama, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala.

Some countries of the region don't appear for lack of comparable data.

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