Cuba Headlines

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An effective way for saving hard currency in the purchase of powdered milk, and consequently reducing imports; the workers of the Camagüey-based company of dairy products (EMPLAC) are making cheese and ice cream from the highly fat-riched water buffalo milk.

By the moment the province collects over 1 000 litres of buffalo milk daily, an amount that is provided by the cattle farms of the Sugar Cane Ministry (MINAZ) and the company Maraguán of the Agriculture Ministry, which have specialized their work in the raising of these large ungulates.

Because of the high degree of grease - the experts say- the buffalo milk is quite suitable for the production of ice creams and cheese, making possible to save great amounts of imported powered milk.

From this month and up to February 2008, the workers of EMPLAC will increase processing these two foods and are looking forward to inserting other lines of productions, what will contribute to reduce even more the usage of powered milk, today at a cost of 5 200 US dollars per ton.

Apart from this contribution, the workers of the dairy industry in Camaguey have collected high volumes of fresh cow milk, it has made possible to save almost three million US dollars, that otherwise Cuba would have to spend by buying 500 tons of this food.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte).

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