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Animated films in Cubas summer

Nobody calculates the amount of talent, intelligence, sleepless nights and love that go into 80 minutes of animated films. This summer, six movies and ten video clips produced in Cuba under a program sponsored by the Cuban Film Institute (ICAIC) will be released for children and adolescents to enjoy at movie theaters and video rooms across the country.

This series of animated films by both young filmmakers and veterans working at the ICAIC Animation Studios stands out for the diverse variety of topics and their effort to communicate values combined with enjoyable esthetics.One of the more anticipated features, just released, is Alexander Rodriguez mid-length film "Quietud interrumpida" (Interrupted calm), targeted at teenagers. Based on one chapter, El herido, from Tomas Gutierrez Aleas film Historias de la Revolución, the animated movie tells the story of a group of university students who decide to join the struggle against Batista in 1957.

The other five films are Fauna cubana, el gato (Cuban fauna, the cat) by Elisa Rivas; Fernanda y el extraño caso del pasado e Historia de las abejas: la miel, (Fernanda and the and the strange case of the past, and History of bees: honey) both by Mario Rivas; La fiesta de los bravos (The party of the tough guys) by Antonio Nodarse; and Negrito Cimarron (The runaway black slave) by Tulio Raggi.

The video clips include historical themes and new music aimed at children and feature artists such as Luis Ernesto Gonzalez, Ernesto Piña, Yanet Ruiz, Eduardo Hernandez, Juan Ruiz, Liliana Hernandez, Nelson Serrano, Homero Montoya and Tony Nodarse.

Source: By Pedro de la Hoz, Granma

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