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Posada Carriles case at Summit Agenda
The case of international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and the contradiction his release represents for the US administration's alleged anti-terrorist policy was on the table of the Sixth Social Summit.

Faced with the alternative of extraditing him to Venezuela, country that demands Posada to continue a trial suspended in 1985 because he escaped from prison or tries him according to its own anti-terrorist law, the Bush government bets on silence, Cuban Parliament President Ricardo Alarcon said.

Speaking Wednesday in the forum "Democracy and Socialism in the 21st century," Alarcon insisted in the need of explaining participants on the double standard of US policy in this case.

The island's legislative contrasted the situation of Posada, released since May after a judiciary farce at a US court, with that of five Cuban anti-terrorist fighters unfairly imprisoned in that northern nation for almost nine years, "for preventing terrorist attacks on their homeland."

In his speech entitled "Democracy and Criminal Policies," US lawyer Jose Pertierra stated that in the judiciary case of Posada, the obstacle is not legal nor in evidence, but in political terms.

Source: Prensa Latina

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