
Cubans Guess Iconic Phrases from Classic Cartoons

Saturday, May 18, 2024 by Olivia Torres

A heartwarming video featuring Cubans guessing phrases from popular animated shows is going viral on social media. A young woman took to the streets of Havana, challenging locals to recall famous lines from beloved Cuban cartoons that have been iconic for decades, such as Elpidio Valdés, The Story of Fire, and The Brave Ones.

"What hurts you, redhead?", "Who is calling Elpidio Valdés?", "You lie, filthy rat", and "I don't need to go to the hairdresser anymore, but to the hospital" were some of the memorable phrases that people not only remembered but also mimicked in the original voices.

The video was shared on the Facebook account of user Yoslin_ac.

Popular Questions About Cuban Cartoons

Here are some frequently asked questions about the classic Cuban cartoons featured in the viral video.

What are some of the most iconic Cuban cartoons?

Some of the most iconic Cuban cartoons include Elpidio Valdés, The Story of Fire, and The Brave Ones, which have been beloved by generations.

Who is Elpidio Valdés?

Elpidio Valdés is a famous Cuban cartoon character known for his adventures and patriotic spirit. He is a symbol of Cuban identity and culture.

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