
Cuban Animal Advocates Urge Citizens to Provide Water for Strays Amid Heatwave

Thursday, May 16, 2024 by Michael Hernandez

Cuban Animal Advocates Urge Citizens to Provide Water for Strays Amid Heatwave
La actual ola de calor afecta a los animales callejeros. - Imagen de © CiberCuba

Animal advocates in Cuba are urging the public to place containers of water outside for stray dogs, cats, and birds to hydrate amidst the ongoing heatwave that has gripped the nation, causing temperatures to soar. The organization Cubanos en Defensa de los Animales (CEDA) highlighted the critical need for hydration for animals during these extreme temperatures, emphasizing the necessity of providing water now more than ever.

In a Facebook post this Thursday, CEDA stated, "The animals will thank you—not just dogs and cats, but also birds and other city inhabitants," urging individuals to join the campaign to protect various species. The sociocultural project added, "Let's do it for those who have no one else," underscoring the abandonment faced by animals in Cuba, who often survive solely due to the efforts of protectors rather than any governmental initiatives.

On social media, people have echoed the campaign's message, sharing, "If you feel hot, they do too. You can place a container with water at your doorstep so they can quench their thirst." Wednesday afternoon was particularly scorching in Cuba, with 24 meteorological stations reporting temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius, and specialists predicting that the heat will persist.

According to the Institute of Meteorology’s Forecast Center (INSMET), maximum temperatures ranged from 33 to 36 °C, peaking at 37.9 °C in Velasco, a locality in the municipality of Gibara, Holguín. "The afternoon will be very warm with maximum temperatures between 33 and 36 degrees Celsius, higher in some interior areas. At night, temperatures will be between 26 and 29 degrees Celsius," forecasts INSMET.

The heatwave affecting multiple regions globally is impacting animals living in urban areas and their surroundings. High temperatures recently observed in Florida led to a humorous scene: a young alligator taking a dip in a park fountain by itself. This incident occurred in a community fountain in Palm Beach Gardens, within Palm Beach County, as reported by Telemundo 51.

Animal Hydration During Heatwaves: FAQs

As temperatures continue to rise, the welfare of animals becomes a growing concern. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help understand the importance of keeping animals hydrated during heatwaves.

Why is it important to provide water for stray animals during a heatwave?

Stray animals often do not have a reliable source of water, making them vulnerable to dehydration and heatstroke during extreme temperatures. Providing water helps ensure their survival and well-being.

What types of containers are suitable for leaving water for animals?

Any clean, shallow container can be used to provide water for animals. It's important to place the container in a shaded area to keep the water cool and prevent it from evaporating quickly.

How often should the water be replenished?

The water should be checked and replenished at least twice a day to ensure it remains clean and sufficient for the animals' needs.

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