
Sports Journalist Clarifies the Current Situation of Renier González

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 by Edward Lopez

Cuban sports journalist Carlos Hernández Luján addressed the current status of his colleague Renier González during a recent broadcast of the show Bola Viva. González became the center of a heated controversy after an audio clip surfaced in which he criticized players and fans of the Serie Nacional. According to Hernández Luján, González is simply resting at home and there should be no "second reading" into the situation.

"For those who are asking about our friend and colleague Renier González, he still does not feel personally ready to start working. He is resting at home. There is no second reading," stated Hernández Luján, accompanied by Guillermo Rodríguez Hidalgo and Duanys Hernández, at the beginning of the program.

"He is simply resting at home, and as soon as he feels ready to return to work, we will welcome him back, as well as the entire Tele Rebelde programming," the sports commentator added, implicitly denying that González has been sanctioned or dismissed from his usual spots on Cuban television.

"They say on TV why Renier González is not on Bola Viva and the rest of the sports programs, and they deny a second version on the matter," wrote commentator Yasel Porto on Facebook, echoing the segment.

In the comments section of Porto's post, many Cubans expressed their outrage at how Cuban television tries to disguise and distort what they consider an obvious reality. "You think we are stupid. In Cuba, when they say 'resting,' it means he's been fired or sidelined. Stop using euphemisms and revolutionary jargon," an angry user commented, a sentiment echoed by several others.

Others took the opportunity to criticize Renier González, bringing up the controversial remarks that sparked both support and strong criticism towards the sports journalist.

"He is not 'resting.' He is rather 'ashamed' of everything he caused. It is obvious he has the guts to step away from the media to undergo self-therapy for the huge mistake he made. Hopefully, this bench-therapy will help him reflect and avoid making such mistakes again, offending and blaspheming about the national heritage that is baseball and not offending coaches, managers, players, and fans," one fan harshly criticized Renier.

"I'm sure right now, not to say 'depressed' because he has a strong personality... but he must be regretting everything he said," added another.

There were also those who staunchly defended him, asserting that he merely spoke the truth about the severe crisis and chaos in Cuban baseball.

"He has nothing to be ashamed of; he told the truth. We just want to kick someone when they're down. He is the best at narrating sports, enjoys it, and is very sincere," someone commented in favor of Renier González.

On April 29, the sports portal Swing Completo published a leaked audio that revealed the radical opinions of the sports commentator about Cuban fans and players, following one of the violent episodes in the current Serie Nacional de Béisbol.

"People here seem to be afraid of the fans. What? Fans don't know a damn thing about baseball! They take it out on the weakest link. The Serie is crap! The players are worse than the umpires!" he was heard saying in the shared recording.

Managers of the teams participating in the Serie also did not escape his criticism. "They make the third batter bunt after the first and second have reached base, and no one says a damn thing! So, what the hell are we talking about? A bunch of idiots, that's what they are!"

In an outburst of sincerity, the sports commentator harshly criticized practically all of Cuban baseball, delivering his opinions bluntly and even offensively towards players and fans.

Renier González Controversy: Key Questions and Answers

In light of the recent controversy involving Renier González, many questions have arisen about his current status and the future of Cuban baseball. Here are some key questions and their answers.

Why is Renier González currently not appearing on television?

According to Carlos Hernández Luján, Renier González is resting at home and is not ready to return to work yet. There has been no official sanction or dismissal.

What was the content of the leaked audio involving Renier González?

The leaked audio revealed Renier González's harsh criticism of Cuban baseball players, fans, and managers, describing the current state of the Serie Nacional as poor and chaotic.

How have Cubans reacted to the situation with Renier González?

Reactions have been mixed, with some people criticizing him for his offensive remarks and others defending him, saying he spoke the truth about the crisis in Cuban baseball.

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