
Message from Limay Blanco to Cuban Mothers: "Next Year There Will Be Gifts"

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 by Grace Ramos

On Mother's Day in Cuba, comedian Limay Blanco expressed his solidarity with husbands and children who have to send gifts, creating a video because "things are tough" for giving presents.

Using an imitated voice, Limay greeted Cuban mothers and said, "Happy Mother's Day, don't be sad if your child didn't show up with a gift. Times are tough, there will be gifts eventually."

Mother’s Day is a time for families to come together and celebrate the lives of grandmothers, mothers, and sisters who have had the joy of having children or caring for loved ones as if they were their own. However, this year, as in previous years, the complex economic situation in Cuba makes these gatherings challenging.

"What better gift than a... Happy Mother's Day!" the comedian joked, announcing that "there will be gifts next year, I promise your child will send another video," confirming that this message would be shared from house to house.

In the comments section, several mothers appreciated the gesture, saying it brought a smile to their faces.

"Thank you, Limay, as always touching hearts," mentioned one user.

Another person expressed, "Just seeing your face brightens the saddest of days. Thank you, may God continue to bless you so you can help and change the lives of others."

"Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers in the world. You made me laugh, thank you, as my only child is far away," confessed another user.

Many Cuban mothers, with children locked away in the island's prisons, will not be able to fully enjoy this day dedicated to them.

This Sunday, in an open letter to the Cuban regime, the mothers of the political prisoners of July 11 asked for solidarity "with our pain due to the unjust and criminal situation our children suffer, having been deprived of freedom for almost three years."

On a day when mothers should be the focus of their children's attention, those who suffer and have imprisoned children need to remind their jailers and oppressors that "they are good men and women, innocent and dignified Cubans, whose only crime was exercising their right to freely express what they considered and still consider a just demand: a better Cuba, with freedom and human rights for all."

Meanwhile, the National Electric Union (UNE) announced that as "gifts" for Mother's Day, there will be long and exhausting power outages.

FAQs about Mother's Day in Cuba

Here are some frequently asked questions about the challenges and sentiments surrounding Mother's Day in Cuba, especially in light of the ongoing economic and political struggles.

Why did Limay Blanco create a video for Mother's Day?

Limay Blanco created a video to express solidarity with families who are struggling to give gifts due to the tough economic situation in Cuba.

What challenges do Cuban families face during Mother's Day?

Cuban families face significant economic difficulties that make it hard to celebrate Mother's Day with gifts and gatherings. Additionally, many mothers have children who are imprisoned, adding to their emotional burden.

What did the mothers of political prisoners request on Mother's Day?

The mothers of political prisoners requested solidarity with their plight and reminded the authorities that their children are innocent and deserving of freedom and human rights.

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