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Alfredo Sosabravo
Of important cultural event was termed the exhibit L'Epifania del Colore (Epiphany of Colors) by Cuban painter Alfredo Sosabravo opened at the art gallery Italo-Latin American Institute of Roma (IILA).

The release opening in the majestic Palazzo Santacroce of the historical centre in the so-called Ciudad Eterna attracted a number of interested viewers as daily Granma published today.

The inaugural speech addressed by the Cuban ambassador to Italy Rodney López Clemente praised Sosabravos working rigor and dedication and described hi work as " of most authentic Cuban identity and of exquisite universality. ".

The release comprises 27 pieces out of which there are 15 paintings and the rest mid-format glass sculptures. The effort came out in collaboration with glasswork expert artists Elio Rafaelli, Roberto Cammozzo and Renzo Vianello recognized specialists of the Ars Murano workshop in Venice.

A word to describe how much delight visitors felt by witnessing this fete of color featuring oleos, collages on cloth and glass.

Italian criticism highlights the authors traditional touch in presenting his glass deco project, whose virtuosity relies on enhancing the Murano transparent materials artistic expressions.

The exhibit by the renowned as a painter, engraver, ceramist and glass project master, contemporary master opened in Gallery del IILA will last until Dec. 2 as Sosabravos Epiphany of Colors at display right in the heart of Rome .

Source: CubaSi

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