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A Cuban firefighter has revealed to Juventud Rebelde newspaper that he once saved Argentine footballer Diego Armando Maradona, who hit his car against another vehicle, back from Varadero.

Emilio García, who has been in the Special Rescue and Rescue Detachment of Havana for 39 years, said that the athlete was traveling alone.

"He was alive, although in shock, with the rudder embedded in his belly," he said.

Narrates the publication that the experienced rescuer unlocked that jumble of metal, while trying to calm the injured.

First he asked his name; Then, your last name. When he heard the latter, the surprise was such that he did not believe him. Then he lifted his sleeve and saw on his forearm the famous tattoo with the image of Fidel, and he knew it was true.

Emilio did not clarify in what year the accident happened. Maradona has spent long periods in Cuba; the most extensive was in the early years of the 2000s, when he lived there to recover from his drug addiction.

Precisely in Varadero the Argentine star had a son, according to his lawyer, Matías Morla.

This descendant joins three others, also Cubans, whose existence has been known very recently, and who the ex-footballer has said he is willing to recognize.

Morla said he will travel with Maradona to the island when his current season ends in Culiacán as coach of the Sinaloa Dorados, to appear before the courts and perform the necessary tests to confirm paternity.

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