Denies he refused to meet with 'freed compatriots'. A statement from the Archdiocese of Havana: Cardinal Jaime Ortega, Archbishop of Havana, rejects as absolutely false and tendentious the headlines that appeared in ABC and other Spanish newspapers, in which he was accused of avoiding or rejecting an encounter with the former Cuban prisoners.">Denies he refused to meet with 'freed compatriots'. A statement from the Archdiocese of Havana: Cardinal Jaime Ortega, Archbishop of Havana, rejects as absolutely false and tendentious the headlines that appeared in ABC and other Spanish newspapers, in which he was accused of avoiding or rejecting an encounter with the former Cuban prisoners.">

Cuba Headlines

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  • Submitted by: manso
  • 11 / 29 / 2010

Denies he refused to meet with 'freed compatriots'. A statement from the Archdiocese of Havana: Cardinal Jaime Ortega, Archbishop of Havana, rejects as absolutely false and tendentious the headlines that appeared in ABC and other Spanish newspapers, in which he was accused of avoiding or rejecting an encounter with the former Cuban prisoners.

In the various meetings the Cardinal held last Thursday, Nov. 25, with the authorities of the Foreign Ministry of Spain and deputies of various leanings within the European Union, the Archbishop of Havana, in addition to expressing interest in the current situation of the former prisoners, voiced on each occasion his desire of having an encounter with them, in consonance with his mission as pastor.

Next Monday the 29th in Madrid, Cardinal Ortega expects to meet with his freed compatriots, because this weekend he is conducting a pilgrimage to honor the apostle James, on the occasion of the Compostelan Holy Year.

The Catholic Church in Cuba will continue its eminently pastoral and humanitarian mission at the service of all Cubans, despite the reductionist views of a political nature through which, unfortunately, some have judged it.Lugo,Spain Nov. 27, 2010.

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