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CBC, a Canadian television program, broadcast several times a 13-minute report on the Cuban Five
The host of the Canadian video affirmed that these five patriots are not a threat to US security and that CBC spoke with Rene’s wife and with his eldest daughter.

The documentary also includes an interview with a lawyer from the defence team of The Five, Leonard Weinglass, Cuban Television reports on Tuesday.

The material begins with archive images of acts of sabotage against Cuba and points out that since 1959 anti-Cuban groups have been responsible for the death of over 3,000 Cubans as a consequence of their criminal actions.

Weinglass explained the antecedents of the case and how The Five were arrested in the United States for monitoring the activities of the anti-Cuban terrorist groups.

Rene’s wife, Olga Salanueva, speaks about her family life and of how Ivette, the couple’s youngest daughter, could begin to visit his father only after 2006.

Gerardo Hernández, Fernando González, Antonio Guerrero, Ramón Labañino and René González have been incarcerated in US jails for over 10 years now, after being condemned in Miami to sentences ranging from 15 years to two life imprisonments.


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