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Cubans Celebrate Upcoming Anniversary of Jose Marti
The Palacio Central de Computación (Computer Club Headquarters) hosted specialists on Marti who answered messages sent from the 611 Youth Computer Clubs across the country and discussed the legacy of Marti’s work for the new generations .

Armando Hart Dávalos, director of the José Martí Program Office, said that he will send a message to the Cuban youth on January 27, the eve of Marti’s birth date.Ana Sanchez, director of the Center for José Martí Studies, presented two new digital programs on Marti that will be available on line at

The first, A chronology of Jose Marti, is based on the work of Ibrahim Hidalgo and won the National Prize for History. It was developed by graduates of Mathematics and Computer Sciences from the Enrique José Varona Pedagogical Institute and by workers at the José Marti Publishing House.

Sanchez said the chronology marks out the main events in Marti’s life, and features a geographical index showing the places Marti travelled to or wrote about; a gallery displaying photos of Marti and his family, drawings by Martí; and a brief virtual visit to the house where he was born.”

The second multimedia, titled Martí para todos (Marti for all), was made to mark the 30th anniversary of the Center for José Martí Studies. It includes Cuadernos Martianos, the latest edition of the three volumes of his Selected Works as well as methodological tools for teachers written by Cintio Vitier and Fina García Marruz.”

Julio Martínez, the first secretary of the UJC, said that “only by really learning about our history, will Cubans be able to defend our Revolution.”

“These efforts are aimed at bringing José Martí closer to new generations of Cubans. As we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, it is important to remember the importance of Marti´s work and life and to pass this on to the Cuban youth, enhanced by these new technologies which are much more attractive for them.”

(Juventud Rebelde)

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