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Renowned Cuban Photographer Raul Abreus Photo Exhibit at 26 de Julio Museum
Entitled ‘Pensamiento y Acción´ (Thinking and Actions), the exhibit was inaugurated last July 22nd. It comprises some 30 medium and life-sized photos of two great Cubans: José Martí and Fidel Castro.

Cuba ´s National Hero José Martí is considered the intellectual author of the revolutionary attack on the second most important stronghold of the Batista dictatorship. Fidel Castro, for his part, led the group of revolutionaries, who actually launched the attack on July 26 th , 1953 --determined to keep Martí´s ideals very much alive on the one hundredth anniversary of his birth.

Other photos feature important moments of the historical Torch-light Marches held every January 28 th –to mark José Martí´s birthday anniversary--, as well as in the struggle for the return to Cuba of Elián González and the five Cuban political prisoners, unjustly held in United States for nearly 10 years now for fighting against terrorism.

In the photos, Abreu features with great mastery and creativity the face and eye expressions of children, women, men and elderly men and women. The photos were taken during patriotic activities to demand and end to Washington ´s hostility towards Cuba , as well as the return to the island of Elián and the Cuban Five.

Others feature Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez during his visit to Santiago de Cuba .

Born in Havana , Raúl Abreu has a vast photographic work, which has been exhibited in Cuba and abroad.

The artist has received several awards, including the Félix Elmuza prize, granted by the National Association of Cuban Journalists (UPEC); the ‘Replica of the Machete of Dominican-Cuban Independence Hero Máximo Gómez´, granted by the Cuban Armed Forces to renown figures of Cuban culture; the ‘July 26 th ´ prize and others granted by publications like Juventud Rebelde newspaper and Bohemia magazine.


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