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Mother-Child Attention Program in Camagüey, Cuba are not an exception.
The Infant Mortality rates of 4.3 and 4.2 in 2006 and 2007, respectively, are an example to follow, or even to improve.

Officials of Cubas Communist Party (PCC) in Camagüey, on behalf of its first secretary Julio César García; and of the government represented by its President, Jesús García Collazo, acknowledged the gynecobstetrics services at "Ana Betancourt" mother-child hospital, where 75 percent of deliveries in the province were reported in 2007. Also were recognized the neonatology services that showed an Infant Mortality rate of 1.9 percent during same period.

The staff working for the surgical rooms and the intensive care units at "Eduardo Agramonte Piña" children hospital was recipient of the recognition, as well as the workers of "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" General Hospital and Genetic Provincial Lab Center.

The municipalities of Carlos M. de Céspedes, Minas, Guáimaro, Florida, Jimaguayú, Najasa, and Camagüey stood out because of their contributions to reach such achievements; as Doctor Gustavo Ferrer Rangel, who heads PAMI here, was chosen as the best cadre of staff member.

Julio César García expressed that the population is the one who grants the best acknowledgment, and also referred to the commitment of other sectors and mass organizations to support PAMI.

"In the most difficult cases you have saved the lives of both mothers and babies", he said. "None effort is spare to safe a pregnant at risk", García added.

It may seem a utopia to assure that such rates will decrease, but if we take into account the five municipalities showing IMR above the provincial average, and only Minas, Florida and Camagüey had a positive pointer over the last years, then we realized that there are issues that still have to be solved.

If we take a look at death toll of other children ages and compare them to the past years we find out that it diminished in those who are under five. However, the number of deaths has increased in the group that comprises from five to 11 and adolescents.

Mother mortality rate changed positively since there were four less deceases.

As specialists consider, two other issues to take into consideration are working to make fall the low weigh births and raising the number of admissions and the quality of the attention at mother houses.

General abortion rates in girls under 20 decreased a little though there is a long road ahead in that sense, because there are people who use this as anticonceptive method, an error that often causes sterility in women.

The opportunities PAMI gives are essential and they are one of the noblest conquests of our Social System.


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